Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Today let us explain why we have this blog and why I think it is important for parents and HS players who are looking at college baseball and how to get there.

There are too many misconceptions (myths) involved in the process and I hope to eliminate all if not most of them.

Let us take them one by one:

01-- "if you have talent they will find you"--- I,personally, think this is hogwash. You may have all the talent in the world but if you are in a weak league you need to put that talent on a bigger and more visible stage. Hitting .500 is a very weak league may mean you hit only .300 in a tough league. The key in this whole process is expsoure.

02-- " You do not need showcases or a showcase travel team"---this too I believe is hogwash. You want to be where the scouts are and they are not at regular HS or Legion games. They may attend these level games at playoff time but not during the regular season---they will be at showcases or large tournament where the get more "bang for their buck" so to speak. At these events they can see hundreds of players all in one weekend at one venue. and you need do do your homework because all showcases are not created equal nor are showcase travel teams as well as "showcase" tournaments.

03-- " you need a recruiting service" ---if you attend the proper showcases and play with a high profile team you do not need a recruiting service. even with a service the coaches need to see you play and you can send them your information and schedule to make them aware of where and who your are.

04-- " all showcase travel teams are created equal"--DON'T let anyone sell you this bill of goods. ---this absolutely a non-truth--many teams do different things as do their coaches and many do not do anything to help their players in the recruiting process. You want a team where you see regular playing time in highly competitive events and your coach is in contact with the college coaches

05-- " your parents bothering the college coaches with flyers, stats sheets pictures etc will help you"---no it won't---coaches want to see the player play not read about him while they are the event--and obviously the parent(S) won't be bothering the coaches while the son is in action so they are taking the coaches attention away from another player or players. Think about that impression you are making.

That is just a few a the myths. as move along day to day we will cover more--if you have questions you want answered m post them here as a comment or email them to TRhit@msn.com

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