Sunday, February 7, 2010

What do you want out of baseball ??

A few tips for the HS player before he decides to play in any program:

01-- Make sure you and the coaching staff mesh---there is nothing worse than being on the team and not getting along with the coaches---your personality and theirs must mesh

02-- Make sure they play the type of ball you like to play--if you are slow afoot and the team philosophy is built around speed then this team may not be for you. And the opposit is true -- there nothing like being a speedster and the team doesn't play a game that utilizes speed

03-- Does the team play in tournaments to be seen and expose the players or just to win trophies--usually the teams seeking the hardware are not entered in high profile events that are attended by college scouts--the player has to know what he wants

04-- If you are a pitcher you want to research the team you are interested in or the team that invites you so that you can get a handle on how they handle their pitchers---do they overwork them ?---do they give the arms proper rest between outings/

05 -- How much travel is there involved?--most teams cost about the same to play for--it is the travel costs that will kill your pocketbook because the travel costs are usually over and above the playing fee

06-- How large a roster does the team carry? Knowing this will give you an idea as to how the playing time will be allotted.

Good luck in tour search

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